Monday, November 5, 2007

The Optic Nerve (Redone a bit)

The sunshine falls on your shoulders
You carry it from class to class,
to home
then to sleep
nesting it in your retina
The weight of this warmth.
You never fall to the ground
despite the heavy reality,

Of one fact:
Life is ugly,

A grotesque place
With hate bleeding from the gums,
Ready to Spit it into your face.
Even those
have a new and innovative way to hurt.
Stabbing you in front:
It's much more effective.

You laugh at the rain
and dance for the thunder
commanding the lightning
to come and find you.
It hits you every time in the heart-
Pumping more
and more
to the solar plexus
of your being.

For every negative thought
festering in this world,
you emit a thousand
more positive ones
And I swear, one of these days,
This world will be drowning
in the happiness
You pour out
Not one person will complain
about getting drenched.

The road ahead
is still a blueprint
waiting to be edited
and re-edited
Until its so marked up
There's no plan at all.

Then, when theres no where left to go
you'll follow the path
waiting to be paved.
It's only a matter of time--
Soon your home called nature
will be a 3 story home
3 car garage
Of one lonley inhabitant.

And wait for more tax dollars
to be spent
Another forest to tear down
And yet another
dream for you to build up.

You've got a head full of light,
shining through your eyes.
Turned upside down
and right side up
in a matter of seconds.

A blink,
a fast shutter speed
To record those beautiful snapshots.
Pasted into your memory
File, Save.

A face with two meanings
For you to grow on
One day you'll see
Both sides are all kinds of beautiful
All sides are a role model

Today is real,
With tangos, and the tangerines
sent sweet straight to the retina.
Today is
a living and breathing being--
With its branches stretched up to the sky
Your arms join in
in celebration.

1 comment:

pink10 said...

Chloe! I always enjoy your works. I loved your word choices, and wording. Well done :]

My favorite lines would have to be:

Today is real,
With tangos, and the tangerines
sent sweet straight to the retina.

I heart Chloej.So fresh.